
Showing posts from November, 2017

I'm Co-Hosting a Giveaway! (12.3.17)

I live for these nail files (hence why I am always talking about them πŸ˜…) & now you get a chance to win some for free! *US Giveaway only.* Prizes include a Neon Czech Glass Nail File Set + a Fine Grit Unicorn File  + a small Czech Glass Nail File Set (over $30 Value) Multiple entry methods are available. Nail art is one of them 😍 You must be following my Instagram account as well as @bfb_amigos & repost/do one of the entry options offered using hashtag #BFBCastaway Check it out here: I will announce the winner on Sunday (Dec.3, 2017) GOOD LUCK! πŸ€ E D I T (12.7.2017): CONGRATULATIONS to @Crystals_NailObsession for winning this giveaway! I hope you enjoy your new files & thank you to everyone who joined in,  but most of all to Bona Fide Beauty (@bfb_amigos) for choosing me to help host this giveaway!

How to Take Off Glitter Polish/My Nail Care Regimen

Nail care is a big deal when trying to grow or maintain healthy nails,  no matter the length. A lot of people go all out, some don't. Every body is different & that is okay. I use cream ... a lot... during the day but cream alone just wasn't cutting it for me. I added cuticle oil as well as a few more techniques to my routine & it was perfection. My typical ritual starts off by unrolling a cotton ball & cutting it into nail size squares. You save cotton ball usage this way, I swear! I can't help but be frugal. πŸ˜‡ I set those bad boys aside & apply oil to my cuticles before I place those cotton squares on top. (Make sure they have acetone in them - for that I use an acetone pump I bought for a dollar at the store.) Once I've placed the cotton on my nails, I make sure to bring down the free edge of the cotton square under my nail & either press down for a minute or use a nail cover I bought on eBay. I will share a picture of those belo...

New Blog, Who Dis?

      Kassandra. πŸ’Ž Thasss ma name. Don't wear it out! Haha joking. Wear it out, that's fine. You can call me Kass, though, for short. You'll tire out faster wearing out a much longer name, but by all means - knock yourself out! Haha       Now. To the "mushy" stuff...       Having created the Instagram page " KassNailedIt " back in July of this year, I had no IDEA how fun it would be & exactly how much I'd love it.      It all started when I could visibly see how annoyed some of my friends on my personal page were getting after posting so much of my fingers instead of my face. (INSERT LOL EMOJI HERE) !       So I decided, eh - what the hay. I'll start a nail account. But when I did, the followers & community I had now involved myself with did nothing but AMAZE me. Support me. INSPIRE me - to be better than I was last.       You're thinking- "okay, you're alright at nail art...