How to Take Off Glitter Polish/My Nail Care Regimen

Nail care is a big deal when trying to grow or maintain healthy nails,  no matter the length. A lot of people go all out, some don't. Every body is different & that is okay.

I use cream ... a lot... during the day but cream alone just wasn't cutting it for me. I added cuticle oil as well as a few more techniques to my routine & it was perfection.

My typical ritual starts off by unrolling a cotton ball & cutting it into nail size squares. You save cotton ball usage this way, I swear! I can't help but be frugal. πŸ˜‡ I set those bad boys aside & apply oil to my cuticles before I place those cotton squares on top. (Make sure they have acetone in them - for that I use an acetone pump I bought for a dollar at the store.)

Once I've placed the cotton on my nails, I make sure to bring down the free edge of the cotton square under my nail & either press down for a minute or use a nail cover I bought on eBay. I will share a picture of those below.

After 5 minutes, I'll take off the polish - effortlessly I may add - & massage cuticle oil on my cuticles & nails entirely to prevent excessive dry out. This includes the under side of your nail.
 You can also use jojoba oil if you'd like. I personally use that as an alternative when I don't have cuticle oil or just to switch it up a bit.

I admit, I've tried cuticle remover but it would dry out my cuticle more than I liked so I just wait for my cuticle to soften after 5 minutes of applying oil & use an orange (wooden) stick to push back the skin a tad & clear off residue with that alone.

I then get to shaping my nails using a Czech glass nail file I purchased off of Amazon. I recommend those rather than the sand paper feeling gritty ones because of how much more softer & kinder these glass files have been for my nails.

After I've done that, I massage my fingers with cream. Any moisturizing cream should do but if you want to get down to the knit & gritty - vitamin e cream is A M A Z I N G.

Alright, enough of me yapping.
Below is a video of the good stuff I mentioned above.

What works best for you? Share the wealth & Let me know in the comments below!


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