Behind the Lens : the Making of my Nail Tutorials

Behind the Lens

The Making of my Nail Tutorials

Hey, lovelies!🌻

   I am always messaged questions about how I make my tutorials & any tips I have to offer. After holding a poll on my Instagram story, a lot of you seemed to have wanted me to share the wealth! Which is awesome & totally happening right now, actually, as you read. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ I got some replies asking why I was so okay with sharing my golden tricks about how to start a blog or how I make my videos... My answer - Another nail artist is not my competition. We both are passionate about the same things. We both need to succeed. If I was struggling to stay true to what I loved most (nail art) & I was stuck in a hunch, I personally know many that would do the same for me.

   πŸ’žPlease know that I did my research & went through trials & errors trying to find the perfect apps that worked for me. These are the apps I have found to work best & remain stable & consistent update after update. I would also like to add that these apps were found in the android/google play store. I have no idea of their availability on the apple store or for computers/tablets.

 Alright, So here goes something to help the masses. Fingers crossed!


   I use my phone (Samsung note 8/ANDROID) to record my videos. I record them in skits as opposed to all at once. Fun Fact: I used to stack my phone wedged in between of a few of my books πŸ˜… until I got a holder for around $6 on eBay. I like to record with my cell flat, I prefer that angle but that decision is up to you. I then zoom in a bit to make my nail the star of the show!πŸ˜„πŸ˜… I use 2 FREE (yasss!😎) android apps to edit my videos. (You can click on the highlighted names below & it will take you to the direct link to download if it interests you.)

   One is called InShot. InShot allows me to compile all of my skits of videos into one massive video. It also gives me the option to make my videos square for Instagram (not a necessity but I like it because you can center the thumbnail/video easily in case you found yourself filming off center, like I doπŸ˜…). I also use InShot to add my watermark at the bottom.

   Then I save & export that file as well as the still shot that I will be using as the thumbnail image to another app called Quik!Video... it allows me to shorten the video (in time lapse form) to 60 seconds or less (by setting the duration you prefer in the settings option it offers). Although I don't use it, I've also recently found it has effects you can add to your video such as lighting & contrasts. I add my music to my project through this app as well or you can choose one they offer for free.
>Make sure to highlight the spots of the video you would like to come out by priority, then tweak it as you like, make it your own. When you feel everything is perfect, save that & done-zo! πŸ˜‡



Other Helpful Tips:

Where do you find your music?
   Quik Video has their own music selection but beware, some of it is copyrighted* & I have yet to find out how to check which ones exactly they are. I also use music I find off of Instagram or YouTube.

How do you use the music you find off of audio accounts on YouTube or Instagram? 
   I do so by copying the post link into your clipboard (like if you're going to share it to someone else)  & paste the link into DreDown.
>Always make sure you download the bottom link (the other top links are the pieces that make up the entire video. Just... trust me. Because then you end up with just the video without sound or the sound without the edits.

Why do you record in skits as opposed to one big file?
That's the answer within your question... It's one BIG file full of bloopers & non-elapsed time taking up extra space. πŸ˜… I found I save on time & phone space when I record in shorter video lengths.

Why do you use Quik to add your thumbnail image instead of just compile it over in the first editing program?
InShot does not allow pictures AND videos to be edited together while Quik does.

Where did you get your LED lamp/ light?
I use 3 led lamps that I bought from Lowe's (a home improvement store in the States).πŸ™ˆ 2 with a clip base & one regular based. They have adjustable necks so it makes it easy to adjust my lighting any which way I like!

How do you take your pictures?
I had just been taking them out in the open (under the lamp lights) with a black background, but up until recently I made my own light box following the steps on this YouTube video! It's so helpful & I love it!


Anywho, that's it for now. If there's anything I've missed or something you'd like to know, leave a comment down below, if not, I assume we're golden! πŸ˜„

If I receive anymore questions anywhere else, I'll update this blog post. HAPPY EDITING!😚



  1. thanks for such useful info ��appreicate ur time n effort �� and the way u take pics of ur designs is just amazing love ur work���� have a great day�� happy designing !!!!��

    1. Not a problem, Lovely! Thank you for taking the time to read this. You're a doll!πŸ˜™ I appreciate you🌻

  2. This is so helpful! I really appreciate all of the time it took to find good apps, and your explanations.

    1. I feel horrible that this is only for android users but I hope it helps a few people out that can't really afford a DSLR camera or are still saving up for one. The best part about these apps is they are FREE! πŸ˜… so I'm glad that I know at least that was helpful, doll πŸ˜™πŸ˜™

  3. Okay, so I originally commented when you first posted this, but there were issues with my account and I deleted it. BUTTTTT!!! On my second time reading this post, I have much more to say/ask! I'm a freak so I'm going to number everything πŸ˜…
    1. I LOVEEEEE that you said another nail artist is not your competition. I feel like there is this unspoken competition between nail artist and I love that you're speaking out against it 😚
    2. It's so funny you used to use books πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜… I used to use large salt containers! You can see them in my first few tutorials on YouTube. I have something I can use now, but I need a new set up, so filming is on hold for me for now.
    3. I accidentally paid for the pro version of VivaVideo. Did you try the free version of it? If so, what are your pros/cons?
    4. I've found a few uncopyrighted YouTube channels that have decent music. They do ask that you credit the artist who made the music, though, which I'd rather do anyway. I'd love to share channels if you have a stockpile of them!
    5. Filming in skits is such a time saver!! I definitely need a bluetooth remote to start/stop recording though. My "tripod" is really bouncy.
    6. I am in the market for another lamp and I *think* I just fell in love with the clip on lamp you linked!!!
    I think that's it πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜… Sorry for the novel, but I really love this blog post. Sharing how you do things just helps someone else out and I think helping people is a beautiful thing <3

    1. I messaged you my swift response but for other interested parties' sake, I'll reply here as well πŸ˜…
      2.) Dude, books were my life. I remember the top book was "I married a Dead Man." It's one of my favorites - right under princess Bride!
      3.)I did try out vivavideo & I know it's a really good app😍 but I was too cheap to buy the pro version for the watermark part πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ™ˆ
      4.) I am subscribed to some royalty free ones but I usually just look up trap remixes of the songs I'm into atm & end up following those channels (TrapNation is one I like).
      5.)there's a lot of skits i leave out because of time issues/mess ups πŸ˜‚ My Current Phone Stand Is a bit bouncy as well. Which is why I didn't include the link to it. I would recommend a better one πŸ˜‚
      6.)I ADORE the clip on one! It's so sturdy but moveable at the same time. Definitely recommend those 10000000000%%%%%

      I appreciate you for being so kind to me. Sharing this with others comes as first nature & the fact you are appreciative & showing me recognition for this means so much to me because it did take me a while to write and link etc. You Are Amazing πŸ˜™


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