How to Apply Loose Glitter

Hey, lovelies.🌻I am frequently asked for tips & tricks on how I apply glitter onto my nails, so I thought I'd share the wealth. In the application videos, I'll be using glitter sent to me by Wickedly Sick Nails. Let's get started!😍 

I use a peel off base coat because I swatch a lot of things, & well, because it's easier to take off that way but you can use a regular base coat as well.
My Favorite Regular Base Coat is all natural basecoat by OPI & my favorite top coat is a Walmart brand called PRO-FX quick dry top coat Salon formula. 

I put a base coat of my choosing followed by a nail polish color similar to the one found in the glitter mix (so it won't contrast). That way, if you happen to miss a spot, it's not visible.
I do 1 to 2 coats of said polish color depending on how sheer the polish is & let that completely dry.

Then, I use American Classics yellow stopper. It is supposed to originally be used as a yellow nail preventing base coat but a lot of nail artists use it for glitters & stamping because once dry, it leaves a semi sticky layer. You're going to apply this & let it dry only about 80%-90% so it's still slightly tacky. 

I use a fan brush to simply pour glitter over the nail. (I reuse the glitter that falls by popping it back into the jar)
If you don't have a fan brush, You can use an applicator brush & dip it into a bit of water - YES WATER - but don't drench it. Just dip enough to moisten the applicator a bit. This helps to pick up the glitters in bulk onto the sponge for maximum glitter payout when you dab it in.

You go along dabbing glitter onto your entire nail until no more glitter sticks onto your nail. I usually then gently wipe the applicator brush in a burnishing type technique (in an up & down motion) to ensure you got into the cracks & crevices you may have missed earlier. By then the nail HAS dried & I usually apply a second coat of yellow stopper & do the same steps again. Brush off the excess, & add your favorite top coat! I usually use 2 generous coats of quick dry glossy top coat to help smoothen the nail, but if you desire a more textured nail, you can just do one. If you want a sugared look, then no top coat is needed!

Below is one of the swatch applications I did for you to see of Psyco-Delic Twist.

View the rest of my swatch videos of Unicorn Dandruff, Sweet Melody, Frost Bitten, & Custom Mix (Purple holo) here!


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