
Showing posts from February, 2018

How to Apply Loose Glitter

Hey, lovelies.🌻 I am frequently asked for tips & tricks on how I apply glitter onto my nails, so I thought I'd share the wealth. In the application videos, I'll be using glitter sent to me by Wickedly Sick Nails . Let's get started!😍  I use a peel off base coat because I swatch a lot of things, & well, because it's easier to take off that way but you can use a regular base coat as well. My Favorite Regular Base Coat is all natural basecoat by OPI & my favorite top coat is a Walmart brand called PRO-FX quick dry top coat Salon formula.  I put a base coat of my choosing followed by a nail polish color similar to the one found in the glitter mix (so it won't contrast). That way, if you happen to miss a spot, it's not visible. I do 1 to 2 coats of said polish color depending on how sheer the polish is & let that completely dry. Then, I use American Classics yellow stopper. It is supposed to originally be used as a yellow...

Indie Polish Tag

Hey boo thangssss. 😍 So, this is a bit of a different type of post than we're used to (yes - as in you AND IπŸ˜…). I was called out by @ SamtasticNails in one of her most recent blog posts to answer some questions about my personal thoughts on things that is Indie Polish.πŸ˜… Shall we start?πŸ™ˆ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • Indie Polish Tag Questions: 1. What was the very first indie polish that you purchased? My very first indie polish was off of Etsy. I ordered those 5 polishes from @ AnnBoyarLuxuryBoutique . They made gorgeous polishes & I bought them after seeing @ NailArtByFrida PR them. Unfortunately, they are not available anymore for the time being.😣 2. What's an indie polish lemming that you want but have never been able to get your hands on? Lemming? Hold up, πŸ˜…πŸ˜Ά. "Ok, Google.πŸ€” Define lemming... ... ... ... Lmao what? Rodent? *searches more* ... ... ... ohhhhh, gotcha!πŸ˜†" ...Ok, I'm back. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ My favorite Indie poli...